columbo screenshots

what the hell are you doing

i queue 1080p blu-ray screenshots of tv series columbo on a daily basis in chronological order.this process as of now is not automated as i use neither an AI nor a bot. i screencap and queue by hand.i am active on twitter and tumblr with some of my quoted words in slate. instagram and mastodon are currently dormant. if i get more action on bluesky who knows....

i sometimes reblog/retweet fun stuff and occasionally make regular blog posts about things columbo and columbo-adjacent. all seasons and episodes are tagged.

can i ask you a question about columbo

yes. click here to ask me a question about columbo
if you have any questions or comments, feel free to shoot me an ask. i try to get to all asks eventually. i do read them all.
if your question is being held onto for a long time, i’m busy, ruminating on it, or saving it for a longer post. i have started filtering asks and may not get around to all of them, but i still read and appreciate each one.

wow you’ve answered a lot of questions about columbo

correct. before asking, kindly search the website to see if i've answered your question. all asks can be found here or here.some common ones:
columbo is queer/neurodivergent/literally a minor
which one should i watch first?
must-watch OG episodes
must-watch reboot episodes
all the seasons ranked
worst episode
most despicable villains

why did a very small columbo show up to your door

because he thinks i killed someone, you’ve watched the show enough to know thati made a very detailed 1/6 scale figure, seen also here, here, and murders in my house so i mostly use him to clean my drain pipes